Teachings from various websites and of various people which I found very interesting and wish to share with you also. I pray that you would enjoy and learn from it as much as I did. If you find any of these unscriptural please email me at info@thefigtree.tk and provide scripture as well as an explaination and I would most certainly look into it. Likewise, if you have found a great scriptural teaching which you would like to share, please do email it to me and I will see if I can not share it as well.

I would suggest you read Information War by Gavin Finley first, it has changed my view on scripture as well as life in general. It gave more a better understanding.
PROPHECIES / TEACHINGS / SERMONS End Time Teachings & Prophecies Here I will add teachings & prophecies regarding the End Times as and when I find them. Information War? What is this? Be sure to read this teaching, I most certainly changed my views on scripture as well as life since reading this teaching. This is a "must read".
SERMONS / TEACHINGS BY Gaving Finley has a new and different way of looking at scripture. So far I have not found anything unscriptural in his teachings. He focusses more on the End Times. Moriel (Including Jacob Prasch) Jacob Prasch is a Christian Jew, his teachings often provides a new look on scripture from a Jewish perspective. |
CHURCH SYSTEMS What is tithing? Who is tithing for? Do I have to tithe? What does scripture say about tithing? Why 3 Years of Toronto & still No Revival: Jacob Prasch Jacob Prasch addresses the "Toronto" experience. So many focus on the "Toronto" and the experience thereof, is this scriptural? When God speaks by Jacob Prasch When does God speak? Why does God speak? To whom does He speak? And through whom does He speak? When God speaks to us, why is He doing it, and through whom and to whom? |
UNDERSTANDING THE OLD TESTAMENT A deeper look into the 12 tribes.
MIDRASH If you look at the way the New Testament quotes the Old Testament, it is clear that the apostles did not use western Protestant methods of exegesis or interpretation. Midrash: Jesus in the Garden by Jacob Prasch When you were physically born, you were born of Adam. When you are born again, you are born of the last Adam, who is Jesus. To understand this, also read The Two Adams by Jacob Prasch. |
UNDERSTANDING THE FEASTS In order for us to understand the Old Testament with all the feasts, tribes and hidden mysteries, we need to first understand the meaning of the feasts. The links below are all to Judaism 101 pages. |